
M�dte Henrik Have p� gaden i dag og han fortalte om hvordan det var at v�re til antikrigsdemonstration i g�r. Gamle vietnamveteraner (!) der var mere optaget af l�nudviklingen af det danske samfund og i�vrigt vidste pr�cis hvor det er klogest at stille sig hvis der bliver ballade. Kunne man forestille sig demonstrationer for en krig? N�ppe.
Jeg modtog dette p� email for et par dage siden med opfordring om at skrive under og sende til FN

No to war... No to dictatorship
A war is looming on Iraq, while its people continue to suffer from Saddam�s reign of terror and the devastating social and economic ramifications of two wars and economic sanctions. We, exiled Iraqis, appeal to people of conscience for solidarity with our innocent people against a war that would cause more death and suffering to them. We further call for your support to demand immediate lifting of the economic sanctions that have strangulated the people into utter misery and hopelessness, and to demand the implementation of UN resolution 688 of April1991, which stipulates ending oppression and ensuring basic human rights in Iraq. Such measures together with free elections under UN supervision could usher a genuine democracy in our country, including a federal status for Kurdistan and an end to political, religious, and ethnic or gender discrimination. We further appeal to call for a halt to armament and genuine endeavor to rid the entire Middle East of weapons of mass destruction � as proclaimed in UN resolution 687. . We demand social justice to all peoples of the region, and a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in order to establishing genuine stability and democracy in the region.

�h, det er smukt og hjertesk�rende naivt: Lad os tr�kke truslerne om krig tilbage og i stedet med alvor i stemmen FORLANGE afholdelse af frie valg i FNs navn og indf�relse af retf�rdighed og demokrati. Ja, det er da klart at hvis man h�ver sanktionerne s� kommer Saddam ganske sikkert til fornuft, letter p� hatten og forsvinder.

Har ogs� lige f�et at vide at Lytle og Emilie blev arresteret for at klistre fotografier af irakere p� lygtep�le i Soho. Det er jo utroligt.

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